** numpy [#pbad2eee]


** 初めての信号処理 [#a94b925d]



** オーディオのロード [#sac51b33]
+ scipyを使う場合


    # オーディオのロード
    from scipy.io.wavfile import read
    fs, data = read(filename)
    data = data[0:fs/2-1]

** Numpy Array (np.ndarray) [#wdb3c394]
 ary = np.array([1,2,3,4,5]) = np.array( (1,2,3,4,5))
 # ゼロベクトル
 ary = np.zeros(3) # 1次元の場合はスカラーでよい
 ary = np.zeros((3, 2)) # N次元の場合はタプルを忘れずに
 # 空配列
 ary = np.empty((Nx,Ny))
 ary = np.empty_like(ary0)
 # 1ベクトル
 ary = np.ones((Nx,Ny))
 ary = np.ones_like(ary0)
 # 単位行列
 ary = identity(N) #NxNの単位行列が生成される

- ndarrayの属性・プロパティ

 ary = np.array([1,2,3])
 # データタイプ(np.bool, np.int, np.float, np.complex... np.int32, np.float64...)
 # タイプの変更
 ary = ary.astype(np.float)
 # 配列サイズ
 ary = np.empty((3,5,2), dtype = np.float)
 >> (3,5,2)
 # 配列次元
 ary = np.empty((3,5,2), dtype = np.float)
 >> 3
 # 要素数
 ary = np.empty((3,5,2), dtype = np.float)
 >> 30
** Numpy Array (ndarray) 便利機能 [#q7969d99]

[[→The N-dimensional array>http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.ndarray.html]]

[[→ndarray atribute and method>https://gist.github.com/peace098beat/9eb9270c97060ae0c48f]]

** Numpy dtype [#g7d9e97b]

 dtype_range = {np.bool_: (False, True),
               np.bool8: (False, True),
               np.uint8: (0, 255),
               np.uint16: (0, 65535),
               np.int8: (-128, 127),
               np.int16: (-32768, 32767),
               np.int64: (-2**63, 2**63 - 1),
               np.uint64: (0, 2**64 - 1),
               np.int32: (-2**31, 2**31 - 1),
               np.uint32: (0, 2**32 - 1),
               np.float32: (-1, 1),
               np.float64: (-1, 1)}

** オーディオI/O [#ra14cb50]


 >>> a = np.array([[2], [7], [23]], dtype=np.uint8)
 >>> a
 array([[ 2],
       [ 7],
       [23]], dtype=uint8)
 >>> b = np.unpackbits(a, axis=1)
 >>> b
 array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0],
       [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
       [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]], dtype=uint8)

** np.frombufferで24bitファイルを読み込む [#u09b00d3]

[[→Speed up loading 24-bit binary data into 16-bit numpy array>http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22128961/speed-up-loading-24-bit-binary-data-into-16-bit-numpy-array]]

 output = np.frombuffer(data,'b').reshape(-1,3)[:,1:].flatten().view('i2')

** sndhdr — サウンドファイルの識別 [#y37af40a]

    path = './audio/sin_44100_24bit_stereo_5s.wav'
    print sndhdr.what(path)
    >>> ('wav', 44100, 2, -1, 24)
    print sndhdr.whathdr(path)
    >>>('wav', 44100, 2, -1, 24)

 import sndhdr, wave, struct
 if sndhdr.what(fname)[0] != 'wav'
  raise StandardError("file doesn't have wav header")
  wav = wave.open(fname)
  params = (nchannels,sampwidth,rate,nframes,comp,compname) =  wav.getparams()
  frames = wav.readframes(nframes*nchannels)
 out = struct.unpack_from ("%dh" % nframes*nchannels, frames)
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