FrontPage/Python E:\Python\SignalProcessingApp?>pip list -o Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement acme.sql (from versions: ) setuptools (Current: 18.4 Latest: 18.5 [wheel]) alabaster (Current: 0.7.4 Latest: 0.7.6 [wheel]) astropy (Current: 1.0.5 Latest: 1.0.6 [sdist]) atom (Current: 0.3.9 Latest: 0.3.10 [sdist]) bcolz (Current: 0.0.0 Latest: 0.12.0 [sdist]) beautifulsoup4 (Current: 4.3.2 Latest: 4.4.1 [wheel]) Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement cdecimal (from versions: ) Some externally hosted files were ignored as access to them may be unreliable (use --allow-external cdecimal to allow). cffi (Current: 1.2.1 Latest: 1.3.1 [wheel]) clyent (Current: 1.0.0 Latest: 1.1.0 [sdist]) Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement conda-build (from versions: ) Some externally hosted files were ignored as access to them may be unreliable (use --allow-external conda-build to allow). cryptography (Current: 0.9.1 Latest: 1.1.1 [wheel]) Django (Current: 1.8.4 Latest: 1.8.6 [wheel]) enable (Current: 4.4.1 Latest: 4.5.1 [sdist]) Flask-Bootstrap (Current: Latest: [sdist]) Flask-WTF (Current: 0.11 Latest: 0.12 [wheel]) gevent (Current: 1.0.1 Latest: 1.0.2 [sdist]) gevent-websocket (Current: 0.9.3 Latest: 0.9.5 [sdist]) google-api-python-client (Current: 1.3.1 Latest: 1.4.2 [wheel]) gunicorn (Current: 19.2.1 Latest: 19.3.0 [wheel]) httplib2 (Current: 0.9 Latest: 0.9.2 [sdist]) ipaddress (Current: 1.0.14 Latest: 1.0.15 [wheel]) ipywidgets (Current: 4.1.0 Latest: 4.1.1 [wheel]) jdcal (Current: 1.0 Latest: 1.2 [sdist]) jsonschema (Current: 2.4.0 Latest: 2.5.1 [wheel]) lxml (Current: 3.4.4 Latest: 3.5.0 [sdist]) matplotlib (Current: 1.4.3 Latest: 1.5.0 [wheel]) Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement menuinst (from versions: ) Some externally hosted files were ignored as access to them may be unreliable (use --allow-external menuinst to allow). nbconvert (Current: 4.0.0 Latest: 4.1.0 [wheel]) numexpr (Current: 2.4.4 Latest: 2.4.6 [sdist]) numpy (Current: 1.9.3 Latest: 1.10.1 [sdist]) oauth2client (Current: 1.4.6 Latest: 1.5.2 [sdist]) openpyxl (Current: 2.2.6 Latest: 2.3.0 [sdist]) (Current: 0.0.0 Latest: 8.1.2 [wheel]) patsy (Current: 0.4.0 Latest: 0.4.1 [wheel]) pbr (Current: 1.3.0 Latest: 1.8.1 [wheel]) ply (Current: 3.4 Latest: 3.8 [sdist]) py2exe (Current: 0.6.9 Latest: [sdist]) pyasn1 (Current: 0.1.7 Latest: 0.1.9 [wheel]) pyasn1-modules (Current: 0.0.5 Latest: 0.0.8 [wheel]) PyAudio? (Current: 0.2.8 Latest: 0.2.9 [wheel]) pycurl (Current: Latest: [sdist]) pyface (Current: 4.4.0 Latest: 5.0.0 [sdist]) PyInstaller? (Current: 2.1 Latest: 3.0 [sdist]) pymongo (Current: 3.0.3 Latest: 3.1.1 [wheel]) pyparsing (Current: 2.0.3 Latest: 2.0.6 [wheel]) pytest (Current: 2.8.1 Latest: 2.8.3 [wheel]) python-dateutil (Current: 2.4.1 Latest: 2.4.2 [wheel]) Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pywin32 (from versions: ) Some externally hosted files were ignored as access to them may be unreliable (use --allow-external pywin32 to allow). pyzmq (Current: 14.7.0 Latest: 15.0.0 [wheel]) rope (Current: 0.9.4 Latest: 0.10.3 [sdist]) rsa (Current: 3.1.4 Latest: 3.2.3 [wheel]) runipy (Current: 0.1.3 Latest: 0.1.5 [sdist]) scikit-learn (Current: 0.16.1 Latest: 0.17 [wheel]) scipy (Current: 0.16.0 Latest: 0.16.1 [sdist]) simplejson (Current: 3.6.5 Latest: 3.8.1 [sdist]) sockjs-tornado (Current: 1.0.1 Latest: 1.0.2 [sdist]) sphinx-rtd-theme (Current: 0.1.7 Latest: 0.1.9 [wheel]) Theano (Current: 0.6.0 Latest: 0.7.0 [sdist]) tornado (Current: 4.2.1 Latest: 4.3 [sdist]) traits (Current: 4.4.0 Latest: 4.5.0 [sdist]) traitsui (Current: 4.4.0 Latest: 5.0.0 [sdist]) Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement unknown (from versions: ) Some externally hosted files were ignored as access to them may be unreliable (use --allow-external unknown to allow). Werkzeug (Current: 0.10.4 Latest: 0.11.2 [wheel]) wheel (Current: 0.24.0 Latest: 0.26.0 [wheel]) xlwings (Current: 0.4.1 Latest: 0.5.0 [sdist]) Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement pil (from versions: ) Some externally hosted files were ignored as access to them may be unreliable (use --allow-external pil to allow).

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