[[FrontPage/Python]] * Sphinx [#lc20dff6] ** 参考 [#c306f3fa] 本家rst文法 http://docs.sphinx-users.jp/rest.html http://sphinx-users.jp/gettingstarted/make_project.html PythonプロジェクトのドキュメントをSphinxで作成する http://qiita.com/icoxfog417/items/9e2eb932b61aa9b9e427 IntelliJでSphinxドキュメントを書いてみよう http://siosio.hatenablog.com/entry/2012/12/30/223900 PyCharm (IntelliJ) で Sphinx で楽にドキュメントを書く http://qiita.com/kojionilk/items/1de43c49b8007e3780ce Sphinxの使い方まとめ http://doc.interio-inc.com/sphinx_man/ ** 自動でAPI仕様書を作る [#bda20c9c] - project/ -- apps/ -- docs/ という構成にしておいて >sphinx-apidoc -F -o docs/ apps/ docs内にてHTMLを作成 >make html ** テーマ [#ya60952b] *** Read the Docs Sphinx Theme [#y72ec9b0] * テーマ [#ya60952b] ** Read the Docs Sphinx Theme [#y72ec9b0] >pip install sphinx_rtd_theme In your conf.py file: import sphinx_rtd_theme html_theme = "sphinx_rtd_theme" html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()] *** Sphinx Bootstrap Theme [#ycf9cf5d] ** Sphinx Bootstrap Theme [#ycf9cf5d] https://github.com/ryan-roemer/sphinx-bootstrap-theme Install the package: $ pip install sphinx_bootstrap_theme Edit the "conf.py" configuration file to point to the bootstrap theme: # At the top. import sphinx_bootstrap_theme # Activate the theme. html_theme = 'bootstrap' html_theme_path = sphinx_bootstrap_theme.get_html_theme_path()